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Ready. Set. Launch.
You've built up your site, added content and images. You've checked all of the links and pages, everything looks just right. So now it's time to Publish your site and make it live on the internet.
As you have been editing your site you have seen the live preview of your site in the main site window of the studio editor. This is great for instant verification that the images, text and pages you've built are all in their place. We've even given you 3 buttons for common devices to see what it will look like on a phone or tablet.
The Live Preview button on the top right of the Studio allows you to see your site as an actual visitor would see it. This is just one more way to look at your site before it goes live, and is also a great way to share your work with other people.
Before you can publish you will need to input your Domain Settings. Click that button to be taken over to the Dashboard to enter in your domain name.
Site Settings
Before we can publish your site we need to know a little basic information. The domain name is the address for your site. If you need help purchasing a domain name we recommend GoDaddy, Namecheap or even Google.
Speaking of Google, they offer a way to see how many visitors to your website you get and what pages they visit. It's helpful information for determining what pages and content is popular on your site. If you have a Google Analytics code you can put it in here.
Publish Checklist
✓ You've purchased a domain name
✓ Purchased your Orbital Site
✓ You have entered your domain name in the Dashboard site settings
✓ The domain name DNS settings are pointing to Orbital
DNS A Record is pointing to
✓ If you like to have www. in front of the domain name add a separate DNS CNAME that points to @
You are finally ready to publish.
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